Emerging New Fields in Mass Communication

Mass Communication is a diverse field with variety of job profiles and opportunities available all across.  Many new profiles have emerged in this field in last few years that are not only fetches fat packages but also gives you satisfaction. Development communication, Health communication and Media Advocacy are few to start with. It communicates with the masses for a cause, that is of importance for the society.


Media is the plural of medium that is used to convey the message. Advocacy is openly supporting  and highlighting some view point / party/ issue. When you are an advocate for any specific cause, you try to persuade governments and other entities to grant set of specific rights, Change policies  or make new laws, Grant fund for your cause. For example, if you feel for a child with a disability, you might advocate for the increased availability of medical services for handicapped children in your city.


Media advocacy allows you to use any form of media to promote the objectives and goals of some organization or a company. These objectives and goals are set with the mission and vision of that particular organization/ cause. For example, it can be from Human Rights related affairs to the right to education or Health, or may be about saving environment or campaigning to create awareness on cleanliness and importance of hygiene for under privileged.

 It can address variety of subjects with ease and can pressurize the system and machinery to change the policies and laws. For example if you are a media advocacy professional for an NGO that is working in the area of juvenile crimes or violent behaviors of youngsters that’s has to be monitored against the increasing crime rate. You would try to take up neighborhood issues related to crime and violence and the changes you want to make in such a way that you:


  • Change the way society looks at juvenile crime / violence. You may conduct the surveys and study to find and present clearly the reasons that who it affected and Why, or why kids get involved in such activities in first place.
  • Create a reliable and consistent stream of publicity for your cause and awareness, including write ups, blogs, articles and news stories about the reason and results of juvenile crime/ violence. Also highlights about what your NGO work involves; Human interest stories, Survivors stories, success stories, interviews with NGO staff and Juvenile criminals/ Accuse etc.
  • Motivate society members and policy makers to get involved.  Create the bridge with probably with community service and raise funds to educate your target segment with the help of public/ govt fund involvement. You may highlight or publicize Government / Corporate sponsored initiative for this kind of social initiative of constructive engagement of youngsters with community service may be. The media can be a tool to make it big.
You can become a media advocate for social causes, after completing your course in to Masters in Mass Communication. The course will help you in the understanding of the causes, creating the right messages for your target audience using different means and how to take it to the masses with the help of media in the least amount of time.
You can get into this profile after completing you Masters in Mass communication from any of the Best Colleges for Journalism. Diploma Courses in Mass Communication can also lead to this field of Media Advocacy.

Article Credit – Vineeta Asthana( Senior, Faculty, Mass Communication)
 For contact us:  info@nba.edu.in


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