Five Career Options in Media that Make You Fall in Love with Your Jobs!

The world of media is an oyster for you if you are creative, passionate and constantly looking for challenges in life. The industry is a hub of talent and it produces plethora of ingenious content round the year. Imagine being in the middle of such a sea where there is so much positive energy and innovation around you. Here is a list of five most amazing career options after you complete Bachelors or Masters in Mass communication:

  • Travel Photographer

Travel photographers are sorted for life. They are free souls with nothing to worry about. Their company pays for their vacations – transit, accommodation, and food – apparently everything. They get to see new places while pursuing their passion for photography. So if you have a knack for shooting (with a camera), this can be amazing career choice!
  • Event Management

If you are a party animal and cannot make do without fun in life – this is the best career option for you. After you complete college, you can either join an event company or you can start your own venture. Be the party animal and get paid for it! What more do you want from life?

  • Television Anchor

If you have the hunger for knowledge and the curiosity to ask the right questions, become a TV anchor. This job gives you everything – name, fame, money, power and these days the added quotient of going viral! There are YouTube channels running after famous journos like Mr. Arnab Goswami! Delhi is the best choice for students who want to go in broadcast journalism as this city is the hub of Indian TV News. So, apply to the Best College for Mass Communication in Delhi and live your dream.

  •  Film Maker

 The best way to unleash the creative beast within is by making films. This is one sector that gives you the power to explore all your innovative sides. From conceiving an idea to scripting it and from filming it to editing it – making films is a very creatively challenging and satisfying experience
  • Author

If you have a flair for writing and an untamed imagination power, this is the best way to utilize your  skills. Become a published author, earn royalties and live a happily ever after.


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